| We had talked about "when we're married" but it had always been "in the future, after we have lived together and when we are more financially stable". So it was a complete surprise when he DID propose. We were away on a little vacation to Pensacola, visiting my grandparents, and enjoying the beach. We went out to dinner with my grandparents and my cousin Cassie, who unbeknown to me had been in on the engagement all along. He had messaged her months earlier to work out the perfect plan. My Nanny would take me out to get my nails done, then we would all go to dinner and afterwards he would propose. However one thing did not go as planned. My Nanny offered a shopping trip instead of nails, and if you know me, you know I dont turn down a shopping trip. However the proposal still went perfectly. We went to dinner and afterward, my grandparents asked to take pictures with us on the beach. We took a few with my grandparents and then my grandparents wanted some with "just me and Colby". Colby asked me to close my eyes and when I opened them he was down on one knee and asked me to marry him! |