| It all began one sunny day at a magical place called the Transporation and Ticket Center for the Magic Kingdom. It was my first day on the college program. I was learning all the ropes for my new position at Mickey's Gift Station. Mike was the manager that had to do my final check out to make sure I was ready to be on stage and do my job without help. He seemed so serious, so I thouht I would be cute and answer with clever funny answers to the questions he was asking. Such as...If this and this happen, how do you handle it? My reply...."Tell them to have a magical day!" With a big toothy grin. He wasn't impressed. No smile whatsoever. He still passed me though.
I remember thinking, this man is not very magical at all to work at the happiest place on earth. And as days went by, he came into the gift station more and more to talk and I started really being intriqued by his personality. I have to say, I always told my friends I knew I would find true love down at Disney. Mike and I had so much fun falling in love, playing in the parks, him teaching me all about Disney, I fell fast for him. We have definitely been through great times and bad times, but we have always stayed close to eachothers hearts. I am so excited to start a new chapter in our lives together through marriage. So this is love, could not be a more fitting song and theme for the wedding! Love ya bunches Mike!!!! |